Is Your AI-First Strategy Causing More Problems Than It’s Solving?

Consider a more balanced and thoughtful approach to AI transformation.

March 18, 2024

Illustration by Agnes Jones


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  • The problem with an AI-first strategy lies not within the “AI” but with the notion that it should come “first” aspect. An AI-first approach can be myopic, potentially leading us to overlook the true purpose of technology: to serve and enhance human endeavors. Instead, the author recommends following 3Ps during an AI transformation: problem-centric, people-first, and principle-driven.

    From technology giants like Google to major management consultants like McKinsey, a rapidly growing number of companies preach an “AI-first” strategy. In essence, this means considering AI as the ultimate strategic priority, one that precedes other alternative directions. At first glance, this strategy seems logical, perhaps even inevitable. The figures speak for themselves: the sheer volume of investment flowing into AI technologies shows the confidence levels in an increasingly AI-driven future.


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    • Oguz A. Acar is a Chair in Marketing at King’s Business School, King’s College London.


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