Azur Lane debuts From Zero to Hero update, adding new characters and more

Check out what the so-called shipgirl game has in store this time

- Azur Lane, the hit shoot-em-up mobile game is introducing new characters and more
- Their Zero to Hero event runs until April 10th, 2024, with special rewards obtainable
- There’s four new shipgirls, new skins and more on offer to obtain or buy
Azur Lane, the popular shoot-em-up mobile game, is set to debut four new shipgirls (the characters of the game) as part of their exciting new event “From Zero to Hero”. Running until April 10th, 2024, Commanders can earn PT to exchange for limited rewards, such as limited shipgirl Devonshire. Eight new skins from the RPG Adventure series will also be added to the in-game shop.
Azur Lane is probably one of the most bonkers, in a good way, games out there. Naturally, it follows the usual mobile-game stereotype of recruiting a colourful cast of characters to battle it out with enemies. Except in this case this colorful cast is comprised of real-life warships reimagined as anime girls.
And the warship theming isn’t just set-dressing either, as Azur Lane has also collabed with historically-based games like World of Warships (yes I know I’ll probably catch flak for calling World of Warships ‘historically-based’, but for the sake of argument). Not to mention their real-life collaborations that have resulted in events like Carriercon hosted on the actual aircraft carrier USS Hornet.
Ship it
Three new shipgirls will be added from the Royal Navy faction, and one from Ironblood, while the update will also see the introduction of Super Rare shipgirls Friedrich Carl and Nubian, along with a new Elite shipgirl Liverpool. While it may be hard for some of us to wrap our heads around, there’s no doubt that Azur Lane is a massive hit, so hardcore fans are going to be more than happy to have new recruits to aim for.
Interested in having a go at Azur Lane yourself? Well don’t go in unprepared, why not check out our tier list of all the currently available shipgirls in Azur Lane to give yourself a headstart? And be sure to keep up to date with everything Azure Lane related.