Weekly Horoscope:April 21 to April 27, 2024

Your weekly horoscope is here. Gear up for full moon vibes this Tuesday as la Luna shines big and bold in magnetic Scorpio. Balance head and heart, material and metaphysical. Get your piece of the pie and share it too. These moonbeams call for your ability to merge resources in one area of your life while maintaining your personal assets in another. Intense is an understatement; avoid power struggles while not just rolling over and giving in either. Direct your forces into a worthy and challenging project! It’s sexy, mystical, and promises a deep emotional purge and transformation if you’re willing to confront your deepest desires. Mercury wraps up its latest retrograde on Thursday, so that new start; it’s all systems go on that new venture, idea, or fresh mindset. Take the initiative and pitch or reach out with confidence in yourself and your ideas.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of April 21 through April 27, 2024.


As a great believer in yourself, ideas, and abilities, or at least not one to question them as much as other ordinary folks do, Mercury’s retrograde might have been a welcome respite from full-go-and-conquer life mode. After three weeks in your sign, it about-faces on Thursday, resuming business as usual in direct motion. While technically it’s all an optical illusion from our vantage point here on Earth, it does tend to match up with our experience here. So for you, dear Aries, where and how have you rebooted, folded back and reviewed, or course-corrected? Has it been a personal outlook, your appearance, a way of thinking or communicating, or a project? Reflect (or skip that step as a self- respecting spontaneous Aries)  so you’re clearer on the way forward for something you’ve freshly minted then make like Mercury and go boldly forth!


While the current skies are smiling on you remember, there’s no price for thinking big! Cue the Spice Girls song ‘So tell me what you want what you really really want!’ Most people talk themselves back down to ‘reality’. Meaning they’re going to stay in their comfort zone just because that’s all they’ve known so far. This is your time for change, so make it and take it! The full moon opposite your sign on Tuesday is a whopper, so go all in with the extra hot and spicy sauce. It’s intense, suggesting a one-on-one steamy attraction or face-off; make your choices and don’t get hooked by the drama. Private full moon party for two?? Mercury spins directly in your Zen zone on Thursday; drop any self-defeating beliefs, thoughts, or self-talk. Instead, prime your mind for positivity!


Tuesday’s full moon moment activates your sphere of work and wellness. Note your health, routines, and environment. What were you planning or wishing for in this department six months ago? This is the fruition of that period. It may be served up in a pressure cooker, so what has to give to accommodate much-needed change or regeneration? Consider your overall beliefs and philosophies; are they ready to be overhauled? How about some deep knowledge and study to support your work? It may be taboo or powerful; don’t back away from the call and don’t give your power away either; embrace it! An intense and deeply felt connection is possible, and so is a focus on getting to the root of a health issue or interest. Mercury, your ruling planet, spins out of retrograde in your social sphere. What new direction, hopes, or dreams are you taking action on? Go for it!


It’s a full moon in your sphere of hobbies and romance, so note what or who you’re putting your energy and time into. The seeds for this peak Luna light were sown six months ago, so reflect on what you were planning or what was initiated back then. Perhaps the wheels were set in motion for a full renovation project for fun? Bringing new life to an antique item? Or reinvigorating your partnership with some deep romantic emotional connection? Whatever it is, this week might just get some stagnant waters flowing if you open up all the stops. Be open to letting others into your small circle or combining resources. You don’t have to do it all alone; in fact, you can achieve so much more with others if you’re willing to share the power (and the glory). Mercury is about facing in your career sphere. What’s changed or what new information do you have? Swing into gear and take action.


Home and domestic life get the full moon treatment as it lights up this sphere of your life on Tuesday. Note the buildup and what it reveals in the coming days. Perhaps it’s a need to transform your environment, a thorough spring clean, or something deeper emotionally. Let go and flow, Leo. Your foundation provides the balance you need to be your best in public, career, and out in the world. Get it where it needs to be and take the restorative timeout that even the Queen of the jungle party requires. Mercury, the planet of communication rounds the corner out of retrograde on Thursday, signaling go-time on ideas or action around higher education, travel, or your philosophical worldview. What has changed or course-corrected over the last three weeks? Go forth and prosper!


Your cool exterior belies a pent-up passion, as anyone who has ever scratched the surface knows. This week the full moon’s silvery beams work well with your sign, so let that passion flow. While you’re a natural fixer, polisher, and perfectionist, this memo on this one is a full renovation, regeneration, or transformation. A local passion project that requires you to dig deep, a heart-to-heart connection, or a strong pull toward something in particular—whatever it is, the feelings can’t be ignored. Think global and act local to balance and keep that big picture in mind. Speaking of the mind, Mercury, the planet representing communications, is finishing up its three-week retrograde on Thursday. What came out of deep and meaningful conversations, a collaborative effort, or shared resources? Take action on the information you’ve gathered.


Note what Tuesday’s full moon in your sphere of finance and values highlights. Always a peak in energy as well as lunar light, this one may feel like pressure or perhaps a determined drive to reach for a big finance goal based on your value system. Whether you take a pay cut for the right job or set your sights on a goal worthy of an empire, be sure to balance what is yours with shared resources. Working in with a larger company or organization that offers the right benefits, perhaps. This one is intense, so funnel that energy into achieving your financial, property, and security goals. Perhaps your deep insight into others and hidden power dynamics is key, so value them. Don’t give up all of your leisure or personal time, no matter how compelling; it’s essential to your creative spirit. After a three-week retrograde, Mercury switches direction on Thursday, so reflect on what was shared, decided, or new info in your one-to-ones. What was the message? Now, how to proceed?


A full moon on Tuesday is more than a moment for your sign; it’s momentous as la Luna ripens to full in Scorpio! Exact at 11:30 a.m., this is your titular annual lunation, so call in your magical bestie and get mystical together. It’s a great time to plumb the depths of your psyche, ferret out secrets, ad enjoy a mystery,! The intensity is off the scale for this one as its pressure is set to purge an outworn or toxic aspect of your life, emotions, or connections. Most Scorpios understand the regular cycle of transformation required for health, so let go and let God/Goddess. Mercury is direct! From Thursday, your work and wellness sector is all systems go, so reflect on what change to your routine or environment had to or still has to happen and get it done. Got a fresh new idea? Pitch it!


It’s a full moon fever dream as la Luna builds to a peak in your sphere of sleep and spirit on Tuesday! Reflect on your dreams and chat with others about theirs, as your powers of illumination may decode signs and symbols more readily. Especially, note the emotional texture of your dreams; don’t just list off ‘oh there was a key, a doorway, a house,’ etc.; look deeper and allow the contents to reveal their meaning. This particular lunation is characterized by emotional intensity, so embrace however that presents. Balance it with a routine and rituals that keep you anchored in the moment. What health and wellness hack are you drawn to? Unpacking the vegetable juicer for a revitalizing internal Spring clean? Mercury swings out of retrograde on Thursday, suggesting course correction or a shift in your approach to leisure, a hobby, or a romantic proposition. How are you moving forward, Sagittarius?


Your social scene is steaming as Tuesday’s full moon lights up the landscape. Note what or who the silvery beams reveal! Common interest groups, memberships, and secret societies—it’s all up for this week’s quest. In terms of friendships, only deep and meaningful long-term contacts need apply, or stay. Funnel transformative emotional pressures and intensity into finding your community or a worthy project or cause. This one is beneficial for your sign, so it’s bound to be a positive push in the right direction; go with the flow. Loyalties may be spotlighted, along with an interest in the metaphysical side of life. Balance by taking time for yourself and your personal interests, children, or dating life. As Mercury gets back on course after a three-week retrograde, reflect on a new direction or project in your domestic sphere then go for it. Do you have that ‘me time’ required to recharge your battery?


Transformation or a peak moment in your career or public image, Aquarius? The full moon lights up what you may rather keep under wraps since this lunation peaks as it passes through the area of sky we allot to Scorpio. It’s okay to keep your cards close to your chest or decide to share what may be deeply personal, for the good of all. This one is set at a tense angle to your sign. You’re more the cool, calm, and impersonal type, while it’s all about emotional intensity and digging down to the root of an issue this week. Strong feelings around a long-term and perhaps slow-moving transition? No problem, la Luna may shed more light on your path and options, so just take note and move forward. Mercury moves out of retrograde in your sphere of local influence and environment, so hit the ignition on a fresh idea, community engagement, or a short course.


With the moon peaking to full on Tuesday, you’re bound to experience strong feelings around world events, politics, and media. It’s been a lot, so take a transformative approach. What can you do? Then do it. What can’t you do? Then let it go with love or neutral energy. This is a great time to explore your philosophical outlook and the deeper psychological or even metaphysical side. Balance by grounding into your local reality and environment where you can take practical measures to make a difference. Brunch, lunch, or out to enjoy a farmers market? It’s the simple things! Mercury’s retrograde wraps on Thursday, so move forward with financial course correction. This may apply to your values, buying, spending, or investing. What new intel came to light over the last three weeks? What inspiration and entrepreneurial ideas will you take to the bank, so to speak?

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at astroallstarz.com or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.

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