RPG Cast – Episode 641: “It’s a Vestigial Wheel”


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4 Responses

  1. Depending on the game, I’m fine with paying $30-$40 for a re-release, but one thing I learn that people will always complain about the price of these things. For example, the recent Capcom Fighting Collection has everything you could ever ask for, and people still complain that it is too expensive “for a bunch of ROM”.

  2. imo, $40 USD is the right price point for rereleases that get QoL updates and extras on top of the uprez. $20-$30 for a rerelease that only got the uprez treatment.

  3. I think the right price for this remaster is 35 dollars. If people are not satisfied with that they can wait two to three months for a price drop.

  4. For me it depends on the depth of the remake how much I wanna pay and how much work is done. Like FF7R is like a whole new game ground up. But then Ducktales Remake looks nice but it’s not worth a 50$ tag. So it’s really dependent on how indepth the remake is.

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