PSA: Xbox 360 Servers Won’t Shut Down Following July’s Store Closure

It’s only the storefront going offline

PSA: Xbox 360 Servers Won't Shut Down Following July's Store Closure

Okay, so, man the panic stations – we’re literally five days away from the Xbox 360 store closure that’s been planned since last year. Yep, the aging console’s marketplace is going offline for good on July 29th. However, we’re seeing folks panic about things that won’t change come the end of the month, so here’s some reassurances for when the store closes its doors.

One topic we’re seeing a lot of relates to the actual Xbox 360 servers. Fear not, Xbox 360 servers will not shut down this month – the system will still connect to Xbox Live and any games that still support multiplayer will remain online. You simply won’t be able to browse the store and buy games after the 29th of this month – everything else will remain as-is.

Another topic of discussion we’re seeing often is about backwards compatible games. This month’s Xbox 360 store closure is only relevant for non-backwards compatible games that are stuck on the 360 storefront. Everything that Microsoft has brought over to work with the modern Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S store will remain live and available to purchase beyond the end of the month. Do not panic!

In terms of the content on the Xbox 360 store, Microsoft is doing its best to soften the blow of it all disappearing this month. We have a big bunch of games discounted from now until the shutdown date – and three more games actually cropped up this week after Microsoft said it was finished updating the list. They’re all on sale until July 29.

Anyway, we’ll be keeping an eye on things over the next few days in case any more surprises are thrown our way, but for now, we’ll drop that final, updated Xbox 360 discount list down below.

Will you still use Xbox 360 after the store closes? Tell us what you’ve been picking up and playing down below.

Ben Kerry

Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin’ in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not clutching an Xbox controller like his life depends on it, Ben spends his time listening to music that’s far too old for him, watching football on the telly and probably eating somewhere.

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