What Companies Should Be Asking Their Security Teams Right Now

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In a year of febrile politics, rising popular frustration with institutions, and two separate attempts to assassinate President Trump, the risks to executives in just about any industry cannot be minimized. The presence of an estimated more than 400 million firearms in the United States, combined with easy access to personal location data, schedules, and life patterns only adds to the danger. How does a company strike the right approach in preventing the low likelihood, but very high consequence of an attack on a CEO? One effective assessment tool for execs and chief security officers alike is to examine three simple factors of risk: threat, vulnerability, and consequence. By looking closely at each component, companies can assess the nature, degree, and seriousness of virtually any risk. Most importantly, this assessment can guide the all-important decisions about which resources to employ to reduce it.

The shocking killing of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson in midtown Manhattan on December 4 has corporate boards and executives asking hard questions of their security teams.

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